There are very few things out there that scare people as much as having to go to the dentist. Maybe big leggy spiders, or getting eaten by a shark, or Nicki Minaj's wardrobe but for me going to the dentist is right up there with having to get an injection.
Seriously... I would be the world's worst insulin dependent diabetic.
So having to get a healthy tooth out, so that my adult braces can do their thing, was a nasty way to spend a Thursday afternoon. Dentist and injection all rolled into one... yuck.
Are you one of these people who never mind going to the dentist and happily ring up to make your bi-annual appointments, or are you the type of person who only ever see's the dentist when you're in pain?
For years I would only see the dentist when I absolutely had to but since I had some wisdom tooth issues I have been religious with my dentist appointments. DO NOT NEGLECT YOUR TEETH. I'm serious... for the sake of sucking it up and being a little uncomfortable for a day or two you get to have a great smile for years and years.
Do it... make an appointment...