Puppy Perfection - I currently rent a room in a house with a live-in landlord. He's pretty cool, the same age as me, and not crazy precious about everything in the house so it's not awkward to share the space with him. And last week he brought home two new additions to the house. We now have two pug puppies in the house, Molly and Bella. They are tiny (10 weeks old this week), and crazy (I was told that pugs sleep 14 hours a day... not these two), and so so excited to be part of a new family (they are both attention seekers in a big way). They are ridiculously entertaining to watch as they play in the back garden, and they absolutely kill each other. They have horribly sharp little teeth though, and I found out last night that they are the perfect size to fit around my big toe, ouch!
Dear Diary - In the fast paced digital world we line in now there is something so incredibly beautiful about the written word. The idea of taking time to put pen to paper and let your thoughts and ideas flow out onto a page. Whether in a daily diary, or a memory journal, a doodle pad or a wish book... it is so calming to just get the contents of your mind down onto a clean white page. I really love journals with leather covers, all sorts of sensory pleasure all mixed into one... the smell of the rich leather, the smooth touch, watching the words. Try it... a beautiful notebook, a new pen, a few hours in your favourite place, see what happens.
Eat Smart - Ok, I know that this one is a no-brainer for most of you but for me I need a gentle reminder every now and then to eat, not just better but smarter. My diet isn't bad by any stretch and is already full of natural and greek yogurt, fruit and eggs, but sometimes (ok, pretty often) I just forget about the whole vegetable and meaty protein part. I ended up fighting three back to back infections over the last month and I can pretty much attest my terrible immune system to not getting enough good quality food. Multi-vitamin and iron supplements were recommended for me by sympathetic friends, but ended up sickening my stomach so bad that I was almost confined to the sofa most evenings. When I mentioned this to my doctor while I was having a check up she told me that I should be able to get all that I need from what I eat and to stop taking them. So instead I went to the grocery store and began shopping for good quality produce. Lots of vegetables that taste as good raw as cooked, small portions of organic chicken (there was no nice looking steak on display that day so I went for white meat only this week), plenty of quick to grab and satisfying yogurt and a cheeky block of tasty cheese.
Honourable Mentions - a steaming bowl of couscous with a softly fried egg and a squeeze of lemon juice, barbecued salmon, green tea shower gel, plain and simple matt silver rings, drinking lots and lots of water, bright mornings and windy afternoons, orange blossom scented hand cream, snail mail, stir fried broccoli, wearing trainers to work mid-week, maxi skirts and sweatshirts, reuniting with old college friends, going on puppy dates with friends, warm chicken salad, nude nail polish with subtle sparkles