The photos are finally up. My SD card has been finally cleared, although there are still some photos on my phone to be brutally honest.
The highlights of my 1st Picnic:
- Arriving into the festival just as MGMT were taking to the main stage
- Spending many an hour lolling in a double hammock in the Body & Soul area with Mr T
- Imelda May on the Crawdadddy Stage - absolutely amazing
- Mick Flannery on the Crawdaddy - fantastic even at 2pm on a Sunday afternoon
- The impromptu fire show in the B&S complete with stilt walkers on Saturday night
- Watching charlston dancers on the Village Bandstand
- The Pieminister chicken pie, mash and gravy , and the wok'n'roll pad thai noodles
- Dirty Dancing at the 24 hour cinema - everyone joined in the dancing and singing
- Hot chocolate at Granny's Gaff
- The view at night from the top of the ferris wheel
- Watching the sunrise over the campsite on my last morning

Check out Kitty Cats post over at Red Lemonade to see more fun and photos of the weekend.
We had the same rain jacket but I forgot to take any photos of myself all weekend. Oh and my wellies matched too.
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