Sunday, February 6, 2011

Is It Sunday Yet?

I completed my golden week in the Arena in Limerick

I made it to all three training sessions last week

We won the NUIG InterVarsity on Saturday and beat the home team on their own grounds for the first time in four years

I brought home a bronze medal from the 2011 National Barebow Championships

All in all I call this week a success. 
'gives self a pat on the back'


  1. Well done, Mags! It sounds like an excellent week!

  2. Wow congratulations, sounds like yu've had a fantastic week! I hope this one is just as good.
    Thanks for your sweet comment.


  3. @adressandabike - thanks, I really just wanted to see if I was able to do it

    @Robbie - this week is looking to be just as busy :)
