Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Things I Love Today

For a little change 'Things I Love Thursday' will now evolve to 'Things I Love Today'. The main reason for this is so that it's not confined to just the end of the week... where there are already a few regular series of posts happening. Enjoy!

Sofa Naps - Nothing feels as good as waking up from a great nap on the couch. You can keep your bed, your recliner, even keep your hammocks. I'll take a sofa any day, add in a soft blanket and my scruffy puppy curled up on my legs and I am in heaven.

Hot Herbal Goodness - My most recent 'be good to me' purchase has been a gorgeous starter set from Tea4You at the Farmers Marker in the University. I know... how lucky are we to have a weekly farmers market on campus? I picked up three amazing teas - rooibos manhattan, feijoa/chestnut and butterfly touch - even the names are fabulous, and they smell divine. I also got a new tea infuser and can't wait for a quiet night at home to curl up and give them the time they deserve. I'll keep you posted about how they taste!

Dreaming - I am currently wondering if the notion of 'faking it til you make it' can apply to going on holidays? If I buy myself a new suitcase, and all the nice things to go in it will I get to go on a trip? I am currently dreaming of balmy evenings with friends, afternoons by the pool with a great book, fresh fruit breakfasts, city strolls at midnight... sigh 

Honourable Mentions - Feeling like a productive member of society - god bless a regular job, THIS piece of genius cardboard furniture, wearing an armful of bracelets with my huge watch in the middle, striped infinity scarves - like this, this and this, listening to Adele super loud on my car stereo and singing my heart out along with her, THIS 3D painting is ridiculously amazing, fresh pineapple, big hugs from tall friends, doodling with coloured pens, applying for outrageous jobs that I'll never get just because I can  

1 comment:

  1. Lovely blog :) I hope that you enjoyed all the teas and You will visit me soon again...
    Best Regard
    Tea specialist
    Joanna from www.tea4you.ie
