Ok ladies, It's almost August, my holidays are only 8 days away, my 'every summer I'm going to lose weight' diet never really produced results so I ditched it and I decided to start being happy in the skin I'm in. I started swimming 3 mornings a week, I stopped eating things I knew I would regret, I pushed my plate away before I became too full, I started walking in the evenings (rain permitting). I haven't lost much weight but damn do I feel better. About my health, my figure, my mental state and my ability to sweep on a coat of mascara and a slick of lip gloss and know that I look great.
Diets are over rated. They are difficult and leave you miserable, they are impossible to stick to and as soon as you eat something that your diet sheet disapproves of you are filled with guilt and regret. This is no way to live!
Hours in the gym are over rated. Fair enough if you find it the best way to pound out your frustrations and get an endorphin high but don't do it just because some celebritary trainer says that this is what you have to do to fit into this seasons hot pants. Find a mode of exercise that you really enjoy - and finding it takes more than a few days. It took me 14 years to realise that I love being in the pool, the feeling of being supported by the water, learning how to take measured breaths and the relaxing steam afterwards.
Go read Already Pretty, especially Sals recent post about being happy to wear a bikini. Sal is on a one woman mission to try to help us to love our bodies and everything that they do. She is a wonderful lady with a heart of gold (and a very covetable wardrobe).
Diets are over rated. They are difficult and leave you miserable, they are impossible to stick to and as soon as you eat something that your diet sheet disapproves of you are filled with guilt and regret. This is no way to live!
Hours in the gym are over rated. Fair enough if you find it the best way to pound out your frustrations and get an endorphin high but don't do it just because some celebritary trainer says that this is what you have to do to fit into this seasons hot pants. Find a mode of exercise that you really enjoy - and finding it takes more than a few days. It took me 14 years to realise that I love being in the pool, the feeling of being supported by the water, learning how to take measured breaths and the relaxing steam afterwards.
Go read Already Pretty, especially Sals recent post about being happy to wear a bikini. Sal is on a one woman mission to try to help us to love our bodies and everything that they do. She is a wonderful lady with a heart of gold (and a very covetable wardrobe).
So every time you see one of those Special K ads where that pretty girl won't put on the red swimsuit until she eats nothing but cereal for weeks and loses weight, stick out your tongue at the tv and wear your red swimsuit with self love and pride.
Because I sure will.
Yes yes yes! Mags, you will rock that red swimsuit!
ReplyDeleteHealthy eating is the way forward... one thing I discovered when I was in serious training mode for mountain biking. It was a healthy diet filled with carbs, protiens and lots and lots of veggies, and I felt the healthiest that I have ever felt on it. I had lots of energy for cycling and running. Now my diet has turned to sh*t again and I have much less energy. Cycling is the sport I enjoy (most of time- exceptions are the middle of winter) and it keeps me in good shape and health.
Good for you! And you're right, there's no point waiting till you're skinny to wear that red swimsuit. The only reason I'm not using mine is because I've lost it in my bottomless pit wardrobe. I love swimming too but my real addiction is running. I didn't discover it till I was about 25 or 26 but it's the best stress reliever I've ever found - and if you do slip up and eat a whole packet of orange Kit Kats, it helps undo the damage a bit :)
ReplyDeleteWell done and congrats to you my friend. This is wonderfull news and i agree whole heartly. I personlly have allways amdmired the larger more full bodyed curver women and you are absloute goddess because your a real women and real women come in differnt sizes. The only thing that make me said about this is not matter how much i try i will never get to wear that red swimsuit.:~)
ReplyDeleteLMAO at The Professor... Even though you can't wear it doesn't stop me picturing it. :D
ReplyDeleteYes well your not the only one.!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the shout-out, doll! And you're right: Diets are overrated and frequently just don't work. Your choices to just live healthier and love yourself as-is are FAR wiser. Rock on!
ReplyDeleteYay! This post was wonderful! Well done for having such courage!! On my holiday earlier this year I hadn't planned to go to the beach, so ended up in a panic trying to find a swimsuit that flattered in a little seaside town in Italy. After about 40 minutes I decided what the hell and went swimming in the Med in a tank top and underwear. It was the most fun, spontaneous, liberating and memorable day I had this year I think. Who *cares* what I looked like, I'd never swam in the sea before and that was the most important thing! Life is about doing things and not letting the fear that you might look less than perfect stop you. Perfect doesn't exist anyways.
ReplyDeleteGreat post! I have taken on something like this recently, but i have yet to find a form of exercise I genuinely enjoy, but it's coming.
ReplyDeleteI hate those Red Costume adverts. "See if you can be slimmer!" As if that's something that everyone can relate to, no matter what. Piece of piss.
ReplyDeleteFantastic post lady...well done!!
ReplyDeleteIt's so nice to hear a positive outlook. This weekend all I seemed to hear from my friends is 'I'm on a diet,I have to lose a stone'. I found it all really depressing. I hate hearing women trapped in that downward spiral of self loating.
Your healthy attitude has perked me up no end, and renewed my faith in a normal attitude to looking beautiful no matter what!
Yer!I'll go with that! ... does anyone know where to get a red costume? lols x